This painting is based upon the Shroud of Turin. I have a profound love for the words and works of Jesus of Nazareth. I am often troubled by the manner with and by such cause that his name is provoked. I see and hear so many intolerant, vengeful, militaristic, materialistic, and hateful statements and acts perpetrated by people claiming to be devout Christians. Chesterton once said that "Christianity has not been tried and found wanting, but found difficult and left untried."
I was wearing this t-shirt design on the Metro in Madrid when I realized a man in the seat opposite me was staring at my chest. I had forgotten what image I was wearing. At the next stop a little boy got on with his parents. He took the seat next to me and within a few moments was asking his mother standing near for something from her purse. I realized that she was handing him a small crucifix which the child then held up to show me. The child then put the cross around his neck and smiled upon me.
Acrylic on Canvas 36” x 48”