Love Your Skull
It is knowledge that feeds our minds. I look, with apprehension, upon the movement of anti-intellectualism growing within my nation, how all teachers, professors, and scientists are viewed not as discoverers and servants of truth and fact, but as enemies of the state with hidden and nefarious agendas. There are those who state with pride that their core ideas and values have never changed and yearn for the early days of the Constitution. They view those who speak of progress, our nation evolving forwards, and the Constitution as a living, breathing adaptable document to be opponents which must be stopped at all costs. Do these strict constructionists mean to say that in all of the years or decades of their lives they have learned nothing that might influence, revise, or alter ideas they have held since childhood? Do they actually believe that a document written two hundred and thirty years ago was somehow perfect in its inception? Who yearns for a return to the day of women not being allowed to vote and African Americans (slaves) being counted as worth three-fifths of whites for purposes of taxation? To not move forward is to be stagnant and will condemn us to sit and watch as the rest of the world rushes by until, ultimately, we are outdated and forgotten. Opinion has supplanted fact. It is knowledge and the pursuit of what is true, unbiased, and scientifically provable and teachable that will lead us towards bounty and tranquility. The answer is knowledge. Love your skull. Feed your head.
Acrylic on Canvas